Top 10k strings from Metal Detector '79 (1997)(CSSCGC).z80 in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [Z80] /

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   2 ;"Press any key to begin...";
   1 c(f)=c(f)+1
   1 [email protected]
   1 Send complaints to:
   1 Metal Detector '79
   1 By Alan Moore
   1 An old bottle top.
   1 > An old coin you can't even spendbecause it's no longer in
   1 ;"Well done! You have found:"''o$(f)
   1 ;"Press B when you get bored"
   1 0 Something actually valuable.
   1 )="The left wing-mirror off an old Austin Cambridge."
   1 )="Something actually valuable."
   1 )="An old coin you can't even spendbecause it's no longer in
   1 )="An old bottle top."
   1 )="A corpse buried under the patio."
   1 "your Spectrum."
   1 "with weapons of mass sadness."
   1 "with most of the junk you found"
   1 "with it. Unfortunately,"
   1 "we can make sure that they never"
   1 "to forget, but we must not. We"
   1 "the horrors of metal detection"
   1 "sell it in a car-boot sale along"
   1 "public parks or beaches armed"
   1 "phenomenon occurred in Britain"
   1 "other than the METAL DETECTOR."
   1 "once again, from the safety of"
   1 "of emulation, you can experience"
   1 "must recall those times, so that"
   1 "more coins and bottle tops..."
   1 "horrid machine. You will try to"
   1 "happen again. So, by the power"
   1 "get round to clearing out the"
   1 "garage, and will come across the"
   1 "found in their gardens or at"
   1 "and elsewhere in the world."
   1 "albums either."
   1 "You have collected:"
   1 "You have been warned."
   1 "Thousands of people were to be"
   1 "The weapon in question was none"
   1 "Press any key..."
   1 "Press any key to find"
   1 "Nothing. Not very good are you?"
   1 "No-one will buy your ""Five Star"""
   1 "Move the thing with ""o"" and ""p""."
   1 "It was a time many would prefer"
   1 "In the 1980s, you will finally"
   1 "In the 1970s, a terrifying"
   1 "(x";c(n);")";
   1  circulation."
   1  circulation.    The left wing-mirror off an old Austin Cambridge.
   1  A corpse buried under the patio.